church nicknacks and whathaveyous

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Date: 04 October 2008 11:59:06

So Dave Walker sent an open invitation to bloggers...

Also known as 'tat', church nicknacks and whathaveyous are generally found, when considering the Church of England, in churches at the higher end of the candle. Candles, indeed, could be described as nicknacks which would then make candlesticks whathaveyous. Candlesticks might be large, ornate and brass or perhaps wooden and plain. There may be two, three or even six candles on the altar (or holy table if altar is offensive to your sensibilities). In fact I have only seen three candles on the table in very low churches, all bunched up at one end of the table.

Other good nicknacks - is a more usual spelling knicknacks? - include crosses, thuribles, pyxes, chalices, patterns and many other things I am not inclined to blog about today.

Perhaps church whathaveyous would be good terminology for the various people involved in looking after church nicknacks: churchwardens, servers, acolytes etc. Or indeed for the various ministers involved.