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Date: 13 November 2007 15:59:35

Last week was my first attempt at writing two sermons in a week, something which will no doubt crop up again frequently in the future.

I got some encouraging comments (including 'that was a revelation' for my bit on Revelation and 'can you preach every week please' from a lovely lady at church) and some constructive comments. That is one thing college encourages: feedback on sermons. The idea is that you will get about half a dozen feedback sheets from various people.

Things I learned:
Paul Scott Wilson takes a VERY long time to say not very much and also has a lot more time set aside for preaching preparation than I do.

Mounce's commentary on Revelation (NICNT series) is FANTASTIC, but could do with some pictures

Do not go out to dinner on Saturday night if you haven't finished Sunday's sermon

If preaching on Remembrance Sunday, if you forget everything else, remember a poppy

Sometimes leaving writing your sermon until the last minute is a good idea...

... but not every time.

Most people are happy if you can make part of the Bible clearer to them. Others want more detailed application and more gospel message (note there was no Gospel or indeed any NT reading included in the service).

Short and long are relative terms