"A silent wife is a gift from the Lord"

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 22 July 2004 01:02:36

Time :: 11:00am
Temperature :: -1 deg C
Conditions :: Fine and Sunny, but if I'm not mistaken the snow will be getting quite icy by now.

Elicia's had a fluey cough thing, and it means she's lost her voice. Makes a pleasant change ;) Actually not, really. Instead of her sweet chatter now we have a deep, phlegmy cough every couple of mintues, night-time included. Not conducive to harmonious sleeping.

I had darts last night, and our team won! First time ever. I lost my singles game, but I made up for it by winning the doubles by hitting two bullseyes in a row. Fluke rather than skill, but I didn't tell anyone that! Our team won overall 4v3, so still not as convincing as we would have liked, but oh well there's always next week. At least we didn't have to drop our dacks this week - last week we were playing against a team that had their own teeshirts, and someone suggested that our team should get our own printed boxer shorts...

Handy Tips for Living at Mt Hotham #38
Get good at charades, in case you have to explain to the doctor that you're sick when you've got no voice.