Weekend over

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 29 August 2004 23:07:10

Time :: 9:15am
Temperature :: 2 deg C
Conditions :: Raining as I write, but they say it will turn to snow later today, which will be good.

Rain is comforting. It's funny, the sound and smell and look of it makes me feel like it's Really Winter, more so even than the snow. Comes down to what I'm used to I guess.

We unexpectedly had a couple staying with us this weekend. They are the sister and her boyfriend of one of the other therapists Elicia works with, they had organised to spend the weekend in said therapists room but there was a "bit of a mixup" and they couldn't stay there, thus being rendered suddenly accommodationless. Us to the rescue! Serendipitously, we didn't have anyone else staying up this weekend so the futon was free, and we had the pleasure of getting to know a very nice couple who we got along with extremely well. Also, they have holiday house at Phillip Island they said we could stay at to return the favour!