Busy, and feeling good about it.

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Date: 20 December 2004 23:08:27

I haven't blogged for a while - we've been very busy but most of it isn't very interesting.

We've been to many Christmas parties and breakups in the last week and a half - 90% or which have been barbeques. I quite like a barbie, and although I quite like sausages too (real ones from the butcher, not the mushy ones from the supermarket) they can get a bit monotonous. So we've been getting a bit more creative with our barbeque cuisine, making plutzky and marinating chicken and smoking things before cooking them. Fun. I like cooking.

I've also been working from home a bit again too, the real job I've got at the moment is slowing down over Christmas but I've picked up a couple of other jobs that are keeping me busy - and challenging me to learn new things. Plus I think it's okay to reveal that Sight Magazine will be getting a new look for the new year which we're working on at the moment.

Busy, and feeling good about it. Thank God. I love my life.

In other news, I think it's also okay to reveal that my sister the drama queen was accepted into a drama course at Wesley College in Sydney, so she'll be moving away from us (but closer to some of you) next year. Heartfelt congratulations, Macca, but we'll miss you.