
Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 January 2005 22:38:02

My parents have been away this week so we've been housesitting for them. They have a few animals so housesitting involves more than just sitting in the house watching tv. Although we've been doing quite a lot of that as well, unusual for us but it's become a novelty to have proper tv reception so there you are. The Exciting Life of James and Elicia Watching Quality Summer Programming. We've also been feeding the cats, chooks and ducks and keeping an eye out for quacklings hatching - no quacklings so far, unfortunately. Mum and Dad have also missed out on the majority of their plum harvest as most of them have ripened this week and we have eaten enough each to sink several ships.

In other news, we have found a house that we like. It's the one we looked at a few days ago, it's very big and the space in itself seems luxurious after so long living in small spaces. They have promised to fix a few of the more unfortunate problems with it before we move in or soon thereafter, including a new oven which will be nice. We have also been approached by a couple of different people to move in, but both are young and while that would be okay normally, if we go away to Hotham for a few months I'm not sure I'd want an under-18 being the only person living in my house. Or that it would be okay with the agents.

Sorry for such a domestic post, but that's my life.