Goodbye, good riddance, good luck

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Date: 28 June 2007 11:13:55

Tony has gone. I will miss him. I did once love him.

He also did some pretty awful stuff of course.

And now, in a 'you got us into this mess - get us out of it!' moment, he becomes Middle East peace envoy. I think he's got a chance, but I have this terrible habit of believing every last damn thing he tells me. I should have learned by now, but haven't.

I can't help liking him. Despite everything, I'll always still like him. And for all he did - can you think of a better Western political leader for the last thirty years?

Gordon Brown's first speech as Prime Minister was the verbal equivalent of being tickled by a wet fish. But I think that he has the makings of a good PM. We'll see.

I'll never love him in the same way though. It's like breaking up with the glamorous but shady younger brother, and taking up with the dependable but boring older brother. Gordon just doesn't light my fire.