Making your mind up

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 May 2005 13:37:20

It's not hard. You look at a paper, and make one cross against one name. Then you fold it up, put it in a box and go.

I know that the vote I cast will either boost someone's large majority, or be totally wasted.

And yet it's the hardest thing to do. That little cross, for me, forms a part of my identity. I am what I vote.

That cross you make shows everything about you. It shows what you value; it shows who you identify with; it shows what you think of money; it shows what you think about power. Your attitude to people of other nationality, races and creeds is brought out. Do you care about people who are less well off than you? How much do you value liberty compared to security? All of that = I am what I vote.

This reasoning explains a couple of things about me. It explains why I have a suicide pact with my sister: that if either of us ever votes Tory, the other has to kill them. This is entirely rational, because if I become someone who would want to vote Tory, then I disown myself.

It also explains why I've been thinking every day for the last few months how I would vote, swinging between just two parties that I would consider voting for, often changing my mind several times a day. Of course, this is made that much harder by having had a stormy affair with one of the leaders (see below).

So I still haven't made my mind up. I'm not even leaning more one way than the other. I don't know how to vote.

And as I am what I vote, I don't know who I am. I've got one day to decide who I'm going to be for the next four years.