the good life

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Date: 22 February 2004 19:55:07

well i just got laughed at for describing my weekend as being like an episode of the good life (also bbc guide here). i'm a big fan of the good life and jokingly consider it my template for marital harmony.

no training this weekend as i have a slight cold which happens quite often after long races. so i'm on strepsils & plent of vitamin C, should go away soon i hope.
we've spent the weekend in the garden mostly, clearing up round the veggie beds in preparation for planting. it's a bit of a mundane past time for a 25 year old you might think, but the results are well worth it. this of course involved a couple of trips to garden centres, with the compulory procrastinating cup of tea and cake.

and just to complete the scene we now have a jar of pear wine on the go, following a major surplus of pears. looks like a bit of a long term project this one but it has reminded me i should get the shorter term project of some more beer on the go too.

back to the real world of work tomorrow....

and i need to sort out a training plan....