"Angels will forcibly commandeer pitchforks if necessary"

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 21 November 2002 23:00:00

by our useless correspondent, Lunchtime O Henry

The deputy Arch-Angel today laid down the gauntlet to striking demons by saying that, if necessary, heavenly beings will cross the picket line and take up the idle pitchforks in order to deal with the growing problem of the undead unable to enter into eternal torment.

"That's fine by us," said Andy Antigilchrist, spokesman for the Fire & Brimstone Union, "We weren't planning on stopping them anyway."

When this was reported to the deputy Arch-Angel he said,"Er...oh. Ok.....Well, that's not the POINT!"

When asked what the point was, the deputy Arch-Angel threw a punch at this correspondent.

The strike, which resumed at 9am this mornig, is still solid. Amongst the many millions affected are the former hereditary members of the Huose of Lords, who were forced into Limbo after the recent reform of Parliament. "I've been here six days," said Lord Crashbangwallopwhatapicture, "and nobody's come to tie my shoelaces."

John Prescott is 94.