It's a Shoe Thing

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 11 February 2005 12:00:30

I have very small feet.

I mean, really really small feet.

My left foot is a 4.

My right foot is a 3 1/2.

That's how small my feet are.

It's amazing I remain upright, to be honest.

Anyway, they are also quite wide, so I usually take a 5 size shoe.

Which is a bit of a pain, because it means traipsing around the children's departments of shoe shops for the one design that isn't either two chunky or too logo-y to go with a work suit. Of course, this means they're usually cheap and VAT-free.

This year has been more unsuccessful than most - no good kids shoes about. Actually, it's quite nice buying a grown up, man shoe for a change, even if it was £50 in the sales. Was in desperate need by this week - the falling-apart nature of the soles of my old pair were causing a callous to grow on my big toe joint!