Pootling along

Categories: life-in-general

Tags: w*rk, pootling

Date: 21 September 2009 15:42:23

Not much new really.

I went to see the Head of the Lycée/collège today. They want someone to take some conversation lessons, but unfortunately at a time when I already have commitments. I've left them my timetable, as the English teacher said they were exploring other ideas and perhaps I could get involved at a later date. So we shall see. This didn't come about from my mailing, as I thought, but from a business card I stuck up (by sheer chance) in a small boulangerie in the town. That's the second enquiry I've had through this - I really ought to find some other places to put a business card!

My vertigo has decided to come back. I think it's something to do with being sleepy/tired. Although I feel like I'm getting a good night's sleep (at least 7 hours a night) I still wake feeling quite tired. Mr D says I snore terribly (the latest description is like a ball bouncing on a raquet - including the vibrations! I can't quite imagine this, but I think it must be bad! I feel sorry for him.) so I'm going to go and speak to the doctor, in case it's sleep apnea (sp?) Coupled with my dizziness maybe I should be worried... Yesterday it came on me all of a sudden on the way to church -thank goodness I wasn't driving! So I spent the whole service sitting with my eyes closed: I didn't take much in. Not that I do anyway, as I still struggle with sermons in French.

This evening I'm going to join the local Chorale. My dear friend Paul has persuaded me along.I have a strong voice, but it's not that musical. When I was in plays-with-songs in Milton Keynes I was never told to stand at the back and mime, as some of my friends were, but nor did I ever get parts in "proper" musicals performed by the Operatic Society. I did audition, but never got very far. I had singing lessons for about two years, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and I think there was some improvement - especially in confidence - but I'll never be a soloist.  A good voice would be one of my dreams...but so would several other things. I'm not sure which I would choose.