How to be a Good Mother

Categories: cat-comments

Date: 19 May 2010 09:06:29

I went to see George-the-Kitten today. He is (together with his sisters) really growing fast. I didn't have the camera, which is annoying, but I will remember to take it next time. He is the most adventurous of the three: he has already left the room where their nest is, and gone for a wander. The other two left it for the first time today - when I was there. It was interesting seeing how Mama looked after them. They all wobbled their way to the door, but Petite Bretonne (the B&W kitten who is going to go to Brittany) and Millie hesitated. Mama went a few paces down the hall and then mewed for them to follow. They did. So she sat and watched them for a while as they explored. Then Millie started mewing in earnest as she was scared, so Mama went over and tried to shepherd her back to the room. Millie was too scared to move, it seemed, so Mama picked her up in her mouth and took her back to the nest.

Meanwhile George had galloped (well, wibbled) down the hallway and was sitting on M's slippered feet! Then he explored a corner he'd not been to before - it was fascinating watching him meeting new sensations (a fluffy rug under his paws, a strange shadow) . After a bit I think it all got too much and he wobbled back to Mama!

Photos soon. I promise.