Quick...It's nearly time...

Categories: life-in-general

Date: 04 April 2010 11:41:46

You should have seen Mr D and I last night. Dinner took longer to cook than usual as I wanted to see Bimble on "Total Wipeout" (he didn't do too well, but I think I'd've done worse. That "game" looks like near torture to me. Actually I'm quite glad he got knocked out of the running early as it meant I could get back to cooking!) and so we didn't finish eating until 7.05 (6.05 GMT) And "Dr Who" was starting at 7.20. Suddenly it was all systems go.

I rushed out to give the Poor Cats their food, Mr D rushed up to put the chickens away. As I was early (and because it was pissing down with rain) there were no Poor Cats to be seen. So I piled the pasta-and-cat-food-delight onto one plate, dumped it where they could see it and rushed back to feed Pomme. Meanwhile Mr D had to chivvy the hens in (because it was rather early for them to be going to bed), fend off Raoul's attempts to peck his legs and dash back. Apparently, despite the rain, they were all outside and were really quite disgruntled about being shoved into their hut earlier than usual. ("But it's not dark yet." "Get in, or it's The Shovel for you!") He scooted back and wasjust in time to fling himself on the sofa before the (not very nice) new theme music started.

But the programme itself was Very Acceptable Indeed. Roll on next Saturday!

I come back to edit this, as I realise I've not said anything about Easter Sunday. Ooops. It's a poor show when Doctor Who comes before Jesus Christ. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!

He is risen. He is Risen indeed, Alleluiah.

Joyeuses Pâques to you all. May God richly bless you and all those close to your hearts.