Less Is More N°144 (Take 2)

Categories: crafting-challenges

Tags: Less-is-More

Date: 03 November 2013 14:12:58

Not liking my first effort, I tried another:


The little owl is sitting on a branch, surrounded by silvery stars.


The sentiment is a play on words, as "chouette" means "owl" but it also means "sweet/cuddly/cute". Sothe basic sense is "You are too cute for words"


In fact, I recently found out that there are two French words for "owl". This one, chouette, refers to owls without visible ears, such as this beautiful barn owl


or the dinky little owl

Whereas the Scops owl (isn't he fab?!)

or the Eagle owl:

both of whom have visible ears, are known as "hiboux"
