I have work!

Categories: life-in-general

Tags: w*rk

Date: 25 January 2013 09:18:43

Just before Christmas, I had a mail from the Pole Emploi telling me of a possible job. You have to apply for the posts that you are sent, or else you can lose your unemployment benefit (not that I've actually received any yet!). I was leaving for the UK the following day, so I dashed off a quick response in terrible French, saying I was interested but wouldn't be available until January.

Imagine my surprise when, with no interview at all, I was being sent contracts for telephone lessons with five people...Jolly good. The pay is reasonable (20€ an hour, before tax - 2€ less than I charge normally, but this has no overheads like travel) so I accepted. Then another contract popped into my inbox...and another...and then another! Suddenly I've got another 4 hours a week (each lesson is 30 minutes long) - a bit spread out, which makes it a bit tricky to settle to other tasks (any excuse to avoid cleaning the bathroom!) but it's bringing in another 80€ a week. Not to be sniffed at!

Unlike another offer of work, which would involve 30 minutes drive each way, to teach people "without much money" at 10€ an hour. Take away the 20% tax and that's 8€ for an hours work. Plus paying for the diesel. You must be joking...!

So, with my other private lessons, that means I now have 14 hours a week teaching. Getting better and better.