No Better Time...

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Date: 30 September 2012 08:43:21


I was directed to the blog of a young man who is cycling - for the sheer adventure of it all - from Istanbul to Belfast. As you do. It makes for inspiring reading - perhaps you would be interested to read and to cheer him on his way. Aaron can be foundover at No Better Time To Do It

In one of his posts, he includes this:

To laugh ıs to rısk appearıng the fool,
To weep ıs to rısk appearıng sentımental.
To reach out to another ıs to rısk ınvolvement,
To expose feelıngs ıs to rısk exposıng your true self.
To place your ıdeas and dreams before a crowd ıs to rısk theır loss.
To love ıs to rısk not beıng loved ın return,
To lıve ıs to rısk dyıng,
To hope ıs to rısk despaır,
To try ıs to rısk faılure.
But rısks must be taken because the greatest hazard ın lıfe ıs to rısk nothıng.
The person who rısks nothıng, does nothıng, has nothıng, ıs nothıng.
He may avoıd sufferıng and sorrow,
But he cannot learn, feel, change, grow, love, lıve.
Chaıned by hıs servıtude he ıs a slave who has fortıfıed hıs freedom.
Only a person who rısks ıs free.

Do you take risks? Do I take risks? Hm. Worth considering. He writes in an amusing yet thought provoking way. Do go and visit...