I'm very excited!

Categories: uncategorized

Tags: Village Life

Date: 08 January 2012 15:55:01

...and maybe just a bit "sad"!I am typing this from my dear little Tabby. Now I'll be able to blog wherever I am. What a thrill for you all! I am at home,in front of the fire, nursing a rather stinky cold, while Mr D watches the football and tries to whistle with his fingers in his mouth (as you do on a murky Sunday afternoon!) My good intentions to go to church on the second Sunday of the month came to nought as I finally surfaced, snuffling and coughing, at 9.00. Probably a good thing -I wouldn't wvant to be responsible for giving this to the congregation via the kiss of peace. I am having a few problems moving the cursor, which makes deleting difficult. Please excuse the random letters at the end of the post! e.


