Okay, I'll stop now.

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 March 2007 16:12:25

The reason for the posts of brevity is purely anal.

Post 1) I really DID have nothing to say. I had just archived and did not want the automatic 'there are no current posts' thing to come up. That would've suggested I was a sad and boring old fart. This strategy, on the other hand...
Post 2) JtL then suggested that I was being cunning, so I decided that I would retain an air of mystery by continuing the short posts.
Post 3) Due to people commenting in a way that indicated that they thought my brief posts were due to a smart and devious ruse, I felt I needed to say that this was far from so.
Post 4) Just because...

So, that's it. Utterly prosaic, I'm afraid.

P.S. For those who have come here from the Regent College site, expecting an expasion of my recent post on the 'OT Law and Ethics' thread, I will write it soon. I promise.