The Mighty Hunter II - Caged Panther

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Date: 03 April 2007 20:55:11

Spare a thought for poor little Che.

After having a disagreement with a car and an emergency op yesterday, my usually comical kitty is now home. He is undergoing enforced cage rest at the moment, and is currently curled up in a cage approx 3 ft x 4 ft next to me. Thankfully, I think he is a little too worn out by his ordeal to mind at the moment.

Whilst I know that I am a mad cat woman, the level of distress I felt at seeing him limp in, incredibly scared, and hide under the bed panting took me by surprise. Then to learn that the damage may mean that he would need to be put to sleep almost wiped me out. I'm just so glad that the is home and on the mend.

Yesterday, I had a stinking cold, tummy trouble and all three cats were fine. I felt grim, though.
Today, I still have a stinking cold, tummy trouble and one of my cats is recovering from a car accident. However, I no longer feel so grim.
Nearly losing my little pet, but not, has somehow lifted me. Overall, compared to yesterday morning, things are a little worse as Che is unwell (and I know that I am going to have to play the cat/pill wrestle). Having had a glimpse of how it could have been, though, has made me appreciate how much I DO have.

This may seem a very OTT conclusion to come to as a result of a cat having a car accident, especially to the non-cat-lovers out there, but somehow it makes sense to me. I am thankful for that, and life seems better it ;)