For my friend

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 04 September 2011 06:46:52

I have a friend.

She is as tender as she is beautiful, as kind as she is delicate.

She exists in a world that can be harsh and hard.

Her fragility is often bruised, broken and crushed.

She can take a long time to recover from things that others would find incidental.

I love to spend time with this friend.

To sit in the corner that she brightens with her presence

And perhaps to share my strength with her a while.

If you have such a friend

Do not despise them as a hothouse flower

Or expect them to be other than they are

Such people may wilt easily under your gaze

But equally will be refreshed by the smallest of kindnesses.

Take time

Stop a while

Really listen.

My friend weaves words of delicate wisdom

Of spider-web strength.

Seemingly insubstantial

But immensely powerful.

As the seasons change, she waxes and wanes.

But no matter how harsh the winter

Come the spring, you will see her

Resplendent again.

My friend