Good news, bad news and a discovery

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Date: 30 January 2006 21:44:22

Good news - Mum has been told by the physioterrorists that she is going to be able to walk again! Den texted me today with this news and Dad filled in the details this evening. This is SOOOO cool, but it provoked mixed reactions in Mum. She apparantly burst into tears. A long time remaining stoic seemed to have broken down, I can only guess that it was a mixture of relief, hope, fear and doubt (amongst others) that caused this. I told Dad, somewhat hesitsantly, that it was a 'Praise God' moment. This apparantly unbelieving man then became a little tearful as he told me that they (he and Mum) had always been thankful for my faith. Not sure what was behind that, but it was a lovely moment nevertheless.

That was the positive. The negative is the ongoing battle between D & D. It would be unfair to go into it, or to enter a blame game, but suffice to say that it makes a difficult situation unbearable for some. *Sigh*

As for the discovery, again I must be vague, but I want to share it in some way with you, my wib-based support group. Whilst retaining some form of obscurity, I will say that it is pertinent to some people close to me and it may provide the key to unlock a box that has long remained very firmly bolted. We have always known the box to be there, full of all sorts of incomprehensible and difficult stuff, but I could not have imagined that there was any possible way of beginning to tackle it. It has remained stubbornly immovable for too long. Quite by chance (hmmm?), however, I discovered something today which now refuses to let me go. I am compelled to follow it up in the fond hope that it is not a false trail. Please God let it be possible to take this journey and find that there is light at the end of a tunnel that has appeared to be blocked for as long as I can remember.

Sheesh. Lots to process. In my own inimitable style, I want the answers by yesterday and to be at the end of journey(s) that are only just beginning. Please pray for me and, more importantly, those close to me, that we can make it to the other side - together and rejoicing. That is my hope, my prayer, my aim.

Thanks to God, once more, for faithful fellowship, firm friends and fond family.

Also thank Him for the ability to alliterate on the letter 'f' - my secondary school english teacher would be proud :-)