Looking after myself: Part Two

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 07 July 2006 21:44:33

Before I start, this is really an attempt to make sure that each day of my long week-end away contains a little of the 'Looking after myself' thread. So, in all honesty, it is a little contrived and really a means of sharing some good news.

As it was, on Friday evening I arrived in Dorset at the abode of my family. I had steeled myself against the possibility that Mum would be as she was when I last saw her, mainly a pale shadow her former self. As it turned out, I was pleasantly surprised. She was so much more like the Mum I remembered than I have seen her since the stroke. She was welcoming, cheerful, sparky and strong, with less frequent moments of the withdrawn and apparantly defeated person she had become. It was a complete gift.

So, I suppose the lesson of this 'Looking after yourself' entry is to remember that even if you expect the worst, it does not mean that it will actually happen.

Stay tuned for more pearls of wisdom from the annals of Dr. Von Dithausen.