One Foot Forward

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Date: 20 November 2008 02:03:16

You know that scene in Indiana Jones and the Far Fetched Religious Tale?  That one where Indie has to step out on the apparently empty canyon to see the path appear?

Yeah. That one.

I'm on the edge of one that looks remarkably similar.

You guys have all been so long suffering of my angst about work, the angst I tell you is there without giving you any details. So it behooves me to tell you that if all goes according to plan tomorrow (as in my appt doesn't get rejigged from under me) things may well just be about to come clear.

Until they are, I'm still saying nowt, but while I'm stepping out on that path will you pray for me?

I'm looking forward to being able to be more clear in the very near future. But right now my heart's apounding with anticipation laced with anxiety and while I know, that I know, that I know, my God is faithful, I have a bit of trouble with his people.

So please pray for peace, and pray for favour...

Things are about to get interesting...