Laptop Vacation

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 15 July 2004 04:10:47

It has been said to me in the past that I will never meet anyone unless I get out more .. Complete rubbish.

I am holidaying at home this week. As such I am feeling perfectly justified in sitting up in my bed with its stunningly gorgeous pristine white (ok, so its brand new...) duvet cover and my laptop on my lap ... (I mean... where else???).

Have laptop: will meet completely gorgeous, total strangers (who are NOT axe wielding maniacs!).

I would... If I actually signed up or logged in instead of browsing "anonomously" ... So call me chicken... Knowing my luck, I'd meet the one axe wielding maniac.


Im 36, single (never married), gorgeous in a comfortably upholstered kind of way and slightly mystified by the number of single women in my circle of friends who are more gorgeously smashing than me and also are without "significant others". One of said women described us as "a living monument to the stupidity of men." Somewhat inflamatory perhaps?

Happily, I am an optimist bolstered by the following postively reinforcing, affirmations... (There is no copyright applicable to them, so feel free to print them off and use them indiscriminately ...)

"Time has NOT run out until I am dead"
"The grass is always greener on the other side of the altar"
"As long as there is chocolate I can do without sex - (for now)"
"If I love me, for me, someone else will"
"This is only a season ... I repeat, this is only a season,"

Like I said, an optimist ... I have a good life, gorgeous habitat, intelligent and witty friends, challenging career, nieces and nephews and godson to indulge my maternal urges over and a community of faith that is the bomb. Life is good. I actually often wonder how much having a significant "other than my footy watching mates" kind of boy on the scene would complicate rather than complement ...

Still... not opposed to finding out ...

Watch this space