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Date: 10 October 2004 11:54:54

Well, here I am... back in the Big Smoke and while glad to be home I am disappointed to have left Canberra after such a short visit.

Canberra is a very cool place actually. It has a bit of a bad rap because of all the governmental and burecratic type of palaver that goes on down there but there is a really relaxed feel about it and the roads are wide and clear and there is lots of green. And lots of flowers which were gorgeous even though very heavy on tulips this year. This was largely due to the drought, apparently it is usually a lot bigger with a lot of variety in the flower department. Still, it was a particularly impressive display and massive even if the aforementioned smaller than last time. As soon as the pix are ready I will slip a few in here to show them off... (if, of course, they are worth it...) (and Ian, I am happy to report no unfortunate vomiting type incidents...).

So, back to work tomorrow. Our helpdesk dude is away for the day... uh oh, I am helping hold the fort... supreme potentate of html is one thing... deputy commander of the helpdesk is totally another kettle of fish... Fotunately, Monday is quiet day because all the pastoral types have the day off... (and notoriously they place the biggest demand on helpdesk resources being pastoral types and generally not particularly techically and electronically minded....)