Dinner for Two

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 January 2005 20:39:07

Even as I write I feel somewhat surprised at the events of last evening...

To tell the story in full I have to start in the afternoon.

You may remember that the Count is a work colleague, an accountant. He walked past my desk yesterday and asked me if I was going to be home in the evening. I choked down my mouthful of coffee and replied (stunned) in the affirmative.

You have to understand, this is a first, he has NEVER asked before, so of course, I need to understand the circumstances of his asking!

I said "Why? Are you cooking tonight?"
He said, "Yes"
I said, "Cooking for two?"
He said. "If you like"
I said nothing. More... sort of gawped... like a goldfish.

He diverted back to his desk and then turned back to saying "Actually, I am going to the gym first, so it might be late"

I said "No worries... I'm not desperately hungry"
He said "Of course, if you wanted to start cooking without me..."
I said "Nice try buster .."
He laughed

He arrived home, with alchohol (bubbly!!!) and cooked up a rather good stir fry served on not quite cooked brown rice... perfectly acceptable.

And we conversed.

Real conversation about travelling, and stuff.

My word... anyone would think we lived together rather than just shared a habitat!