Budget Cuts

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 07 June 2005 11:04:05

Honolulu beckons... As such there will be a definite tightening of the purse strings affecting the following...

  1. Voting on Big Brother
  2. Attendance at movie premiers (and non premiers)
  3. The new desk (sigh)
  4. Store bought espresso on the way to work this is a tough one... a really, really, tough one...
  5. Some of my usual brand products at the supermarket
  6. Breakfast at Ground Zero on Saturdays
  7. Chocolate in the afternoons (this one could have other benefits)
  8. Geek magazines
  9. International phone calls on a whim... sorry Mum... your turn to call me!
  10. Out of town weekends ok, so I don't usually.. but even if I wanted to? No go...
  11. Dinner at Ribs and Rumps or elsewhere...
  12. Wailing with Jonah...