Time for some Seven Up

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Date: 07 March 2006 04:46:57

I have been commanded to post - and so, to a meme... because inspiration is on the wane this week... brain is fried.

Seven things to do before I kark it...

1. Have babies (hmmm, small problem of absence of suitable sperm donor/life partner yet... tick tock, tick tock)
2. Go to Asheville NC (To visit Pash)
3.Sing with a Jazz quartet to a real live audience. (Could happen.)
4. Take an award winning photograph.
5. Speak French fluently
6. Sail off into the sunset.
7. Finish writing my bloody novel (10,000 down 75,000 to go)

7 things I can't do

1. Tolerate noise well. (Food noise in particular, gratuitous superfluous noise generally).
2. Run (genetically predisposed to avoid overexertion).
3. Avoid getting sucked into crime shows on TV (or medical ones, for that matter).
4. Help but love my nieces and nephews.
5. Wait for my wedding night.
6 Abide people who think they have nothing left to learn.
7 Eat seafood without gagging.

7 Things that attract I'm looking for in my Beloved

1. The fact that he sees way more in me than I do, and knows just how lucky he is.
2 He can tolerate how intolerant I am about noise.
3. The way he smiles at me, like we're the only ones who know.
4. That he has broad shoulders that could carry the weight of my world with grace.
5. That he loves God more than he loves me. And loves me more because of that.
6 That he is incredible with children and always has time to stoop down into their world.
7. That he knows how to and loves to laugh and includes me in the joke.

7 things I often say.

1. "Bugger!"
2. "Pardon Me?" (looking over the top of the laptop at Flick)
3. "Well thank you", (instead of 'Good")
4. "Could you turn that down please?"
5. "I rock my own world" (well, if no one else will say it... )
6. "I love you" (to my family...)
7. "Really busy" (the general response to "How's things?" It's true but I hate that it sounds like I'm pretending to be important or something.)

7 films I would [probably not] walk over hot coals to see again on the big screen.

1. Amelie
2. The Lord of The Rings (ALL of them)
3. Pride and Prejudice (the Colin Firth One)
4. The Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy (with Alan Rickman as Marvin)
5. Love Actually
6. Life is Beautiful
7. The Passion of the Christ

7 books I have loved.

1. Anne of Green Gables (all of them)
2. The Saturdays series by Elizabeth Enright (ok... there's a theme... I LOVE kids/young adults books)
3. The Hobbit
4. The Early volumes of the Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon (but getting tired of the later ones)
5. The Bible (ok, a cliche but actually it's awesome)
6. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
7. The Barbarian Way by Erwin McManus (will revolutionise your Christian faith (if you have one!))

The End.