On Being the [Boss'] Pet

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 08 March 2006 04:21:30

I lifted my head up above the radar.

Big Mistake...


There are some perks in being recognized for your skills in a large work place. Being the 'IT' girl is good for the ego, for the self confidence. The bit I laugh about behind closed doors is that when all is said and done all I did was Google stuff, find answers, implement them, and make them work.


The outworking of that is that now, the CEO goes direct to me, completely bypassing my boss.

Bugger, there goes my buffer.

While the upside is that when a project works I get all the kudos, the down is that when the successful project sparks a whole lot of new ideas I get all the responsibility for, and the politically complicated task of, putting the brakes on the Next [Bloody] Big Thing...
