It's June Already

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 02 June 2007 02:40:52

I'm thinking bugger the hiatus... in theory I should be back online in 2 weeks... but 3 weeks without blogging is quite long enough (Bliss said so). So, Miss Lisa, you win!! I need blogging more than I need tequila. (I KNOW - go figure!).

I actually think I blew the hiatus yesterday because I wrote a post and emailed it to a select few. I and am thinking about publishing it but it was a bit ranty and I don't want to offend so if you really want to read it leave your email address in the comments - or, you can just wait till I've cooled off and edited all the swearing out of it and maybe then I'll post it... I think it will only take a week or so.

Anyway, I've been adding stuff to my flickr account... here's a crop of dancer pix some are older, and some are recent ... on balance, if I'd posted the ranty post you could call this a unicorn chaser, if you will.

Created with Paul's flickrSLiDR.