Extending the concept... (WigLobbing Pt. II)

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 02 September 2007 14:01:13

...there would, of course, need to be an official looking type blokey in a white jacket with a very long tape measure, clipboard and pen (the clipboard and pen being normal sized, just the tape measure being very long). Another official type in a white jacket would have a red and a white flag, raising the red one when at the merest sign of a 'foot fault' or some other illegality yet to be decided. Maybe an electronic scoreboard could be acquired and a groundsperson hired. Temporary tiered seating like they have round the 18th green on televised golfing. Random drug testing for all competitors, just to save the inchoate sport of Wig Lobbing from a fate worse than Le Tour. Perhaps also a remote controlled car to carry the Wig from its place of landing back to the throwing zone.

It's Sunday afternoon and I'm slightly bored. Did you notice?