Finally, I found it.

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 20 July 2003 16:30:10

Sorry about the delay, I lost the notepad I transcribed the monologue from that Mixmaster Morris CD into.....but I found it. Here it is.

"I've been researching gods all my life....and now I know them.

There is a meaning to life, there are things worth believing in, there are things worth being passionate about. All of this plays a part in trying to give a positive sense of something to believe in, a positive crusade of thought and emotion, that you can use to advance humanity tremendously. But that excises deliberately the god of war. hen you find the gods inside yourself you'll find the god of war. And he will be one of the most powerful passions in you, you have to freeze him in his own private hell and make your positive gods the gods that take you over. And by the gods that take you over I mean you have to find those passions that are so much more powerful in you than anything you've been allowed to express in your life and making those things the things that you work on. Not putting off until you are 40 or 50 the things that you feel passionate about at the age of 15 and 16, but going directly to those things and trying to implement them when you are 20. Pass go, forget the $200, go directly to Park Lane and put your life there....on the line, with all the emotional power and passion and insight within you."

I thought this was a pretty good response to life.

Cheers f'now.