Been reading...

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Date: 08 May 2004 23:21:53

...'Paulus: Reminiscences of a Friendship', by Rollo May, a biography of Paul Tillich who is probably the modern theologian I enjoy reading most. Here's a quick quote, and remember, this was published in 1974:

"Our monotheism has become too blatently allied with destruction. The God of America against the God of communism: these gods war in the swamps of Vietnam, amid indescribable cruelty to children, mangled bodies of adolescent soldiers, and the destruction of a million civilians. Our failure in Vietnam is the ultimate symbol of the "bombs-for-Allah" kind of faith. The day of the invocation of 'Our God' against 'Their God' is past - I hope forever." P. 93.

Perhaps it will only be when post-Christian America is born that America will become ambivalent as to what religious tradition it allies itself to: and then, paradoxically, become far more Christian/Zen/Hindu/Sufi/Jewish/etc, even though it (mostly) won't understand itself as such. Thus we are left with the equation: Christianity = Antichristianity. Go figure.