How enormously convenient...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 17 May 2004 19:26:00

...for U.S. forces to find Sarin in Iraq just at this time. Perhaps I'm being just a tad too sceptical here. No, perhaps I'm not.

Talking of mass deception, 'Sophie's Choice' (it centres around the holocaust) by William Styron has been keeping me busy the last couple of days. As has 'Kind of Blue' by Miles Davis. Now
*THERE* is a potent melancholy cocktail!

Deliriously happy to announce that EM:T (like 'TIME' backwards but with a, I don't get it either), the record label is to be relaunched!!!! YIPPEEEEEEE!!!!!!! It shut down a few years back (1999/2000????) but it was one of my favourite labels from the mid-late '90's. You'd probably remember seeing their CD's in the shops 'cos they all feature really bright covers of Amazonian pigmy tree frogs and Tasmanian starfish and other such things which go very nicely with potato wedges and a bottle of red. Welcome back EM:T. Can't wait to tickle your data with my laser again. It's been too long.