life as I know it...

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 06 August 2007 22:18:00

Once more life is not what I expect.
I've had a wonderful week at 28:18, our Church family conference, and I really enjoyed being a steward yet again even though some tasks were a bit thankless. God had a few things to say and a lot of work to do but I didn't give Him much chance. Still, no one knows better how to do the essentials and I've got quite a bit to face and sort out by his grace...
Firstly, I'm not scared, but I'm out of known territory: I've got a sick note from the doctor saying that I have 2 weeks off work. The relief is beyond understanding and the sense of guilt and culpability at running scared is immense but just doesn't cut the relief...
I'm afraid that Guy will be home soon and I feel really crap about it. Welcome to stress-city say the whole of me.
My finance situation still stinks and doesn't add up to much.
I have need of direction and momentum, hope and restoration. I've asked God. I'm not afraid. We'll see what I do next!
I mean what on earth am I meant to do if not what I do now??? I have no idea. In fact if anyone prays and has any insight, please share. Effectively I need a new career and probably some kind of training. That is really scarey. It's one of the things that reassures me that I'm not simply running, that I'm making the right move, ie: to protect myself before I get hit on the blind side, even if it's just by depression.
Voila Voila!
Gladly, my good friends Colyn and my lovely boyfriend Fabrice have cheered me up and Lys has contributed her penny's worth of hope and friendship too. I've got a couple of people to ring and inform. Being Maman, Dad, T, my boss, and that's nearly it for now apart from 1 or 2 I can think of.
I am in the hands of the Miracle Maker. I have nothing to fear. He didn't give His life to no avail! He knows we're heading to the other side and He told me so. I'm simply not sure of the route right now. Hold on tight while the boat rocks!