Weds 19th sept

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 19 September 2007 00:09:02

Right, tomorrow is interview day with Camphill for Guy. Big day. Both Maman and Dad there for him same time-same place. That in itself should touch him most of all. I've no clue about the outcome. I've not asked about the possibilities, mostly so I've got no idea & no hopes up or preconceptions etc.
I put it in God's hands, I've prayed it'll be good, God's best, & that Guy will be peaceful. Not sedated, peaceful. God's the only one who might be able to speak through the walls he's got up at the moment. I just wish he'd listen up a bit & here the Voice of Hope. Life to the full not in half-drugged daze or foggy-minded fear. Not half life. Full life. I'm amazed I even have the hope to ask anymore. But then others have endured more and longer. That means I can ask at least once more, and oh, once again after that...
I am fretting though.
Maman swept & cleaned the floor today & even did the yard :) It takes a mom to do that! Priceless! Golden! I needed that. I know she'll help me with my 'new' (Freecycle) shelves tomorrow too. Finally I can tidy the cupby so my room will be liveable again. Nearly 5 months I've been waiting for this.
Hopefully I'll have the courage to ask her for support filling in the application forms I picked up Monday too. I need a hand to hold for that. Not kidding, I do. Plus they're urgent so I've got to do them tomorrow morning if possible.
They have to be in by Friday.
There're more for later. I'd like to get started on those too, but I don't want to set that goal until I've done the first 2.
Fabrice arrives on Saturday morning :)
I'm in countdown mode.