other little ones

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 12 March 2006 23:07:46

I had an interesting shift at work today, with mostly calm and chilled out time and behaviour from our 2 teenagers... But one of them had a moment, a "You're all evil - I hate you - I'm going to run away!!!" moment (I mean come on... who amongst us likes being told off, even when it's justified) and well, he informed us he was going out and by the time he was back with his coat on, colleague and i had half a plan and had both doors covered. After he'd failed to push past 1 then the other, informed us he'd leave even if he had to push past us and hit us and finally told us he'd hit us, we replied he couldn't leave angry, reminded him how cold it was out and asked him where he'd go. Then we suggested a time out idea which, saddly for his rant, made him smile and colleague then said, "ok, you've smiled so we now know you're not angry and we're happy for you to go out now." and stepped away from the door... I said to him that he should come back when his hands are too cold. Then I asked if he wanted his pot noodle for supper because he was hovering surprised and indesicive... and you know what, he came and made his pot noodle and forgot all about going out.
I don't know why i had to share that, but there we are... Maybe there's a lesson i yet have to figure...