Happy New Year

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 02 January 2012 15:40:05

Obviously, church members do not celebrate New Year's Eve in wild fashion (or else they are extremely hardy folk) as there were not many people missing at 09.45 for the Jan.1st Sunday Eucharist. A smaller than usual choir (can you spot the party goers?) sang 'Ave Verum Corpus' (Mozart), before a rousing voluntary ('Nun Danket Alle Gott', Karg-Elert), from our favourite deputy organist, sent us on our way.

Fortunately, more choristers emerged for the Festival Evensong, plus the Director of Music (fully recovered, one assumes, from his family visitations and New Year festivities) and a visiting soprano all the way from Down Under (the fame of our choir spreads far and wide ; ) ). This joyful band of singers, plus the priest-in-charge on Alto, started the new year off in style with Brewer in D canticles and Rutter's 'God be in my head'. Some rough voices (whatever had we all been imbibing over the Christmas period?) meant that we sang to organ accompaniment, rather than a capella, for safety's sake. We'll all have to go home and gargle with a 5-day supply of Tixylix before next Friday's choir practice.