New tunes

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Date: 16 May 2010 20:29:22

A return of several former choristers today - always a welcome sight. It was a special occasion for one of our altos - the baptism of her new baby girl. At her special request, we sang Simon Lole's 'The Father's Love' with a beautiful descant sung by one of the godparents (also a former chorister). It was a new anthem for us and appeared to be well-received. Unusually, we sang 'At the name of Jesus' to the tune 'Cuddesdon' (chosen by the vicar and, presumably, named after his theological college) - after a short time getting used to the melody we decided it worked rather well. It's always hard to pull off an unfamiliar tune to an old favourite - I tried not to look too closely at any grimaces coming from the congregation.