Welcome back the Old and welcome in the New

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Date: 02 March 2010 15:16:04

It was a weekend of old and new faces. Our new soprano joined us for her first Sunday after trying out our style of choir and music for a few practices first. She joins two new tenors, also in their first weeks with us. The funeral of a longstanding choir member also brought back old friends to sing in the choir and others to swell the congregation. We wondered if we were going to get a sermon about faces as the two anthems this Sunday were 'Hide not thou thy Face' (Farrant) and 'Turn thy Face' (Attwood), but apparently it was all a co-incidence. The long weekend finished with some favourite funeral music - the glorious 'O thou the central Orb' (Wood) and the delightfully simple 'God be in my Head' (Walford Davies).