Harvest Home

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Date: 07 October 2003 11:06:19

A beautifully decorated church, this time with Harvest theme, and a few tins brought by the children to augment our charity collection - money not fruit+veg was the request this year.

A good harvest anthem: 'O Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving' by William Harris. Good traditional harvest hymns plus some for the kids ('Colours of Day', 'Think of a world without any flowers'). It made me nostalgic for my early days of primary teaching....

The Youth Group play was a sketch based on Ground Force mixed with the Weakest Link, and (very loosely!) based on the Parable of the Talents. Team A - the ones who actually got on and dug the garden - won, over team B - who just sat around talking about it.

Evensong with one of my favourite psalms - 65, 'and the valleys shall stand so thick with corn that they shall laugh and sing': the Psalmist rivalling Ronald Blythe in eloquence! ;)

Harvest Supper was even better than ever, with locally produced beef, and home-made windfall apple and hedgerow-picked blackberry crumble. Yummy :)

I love October!