Baptism of Christ

Categories: uncategorized

Date: 12 January 2004 21:19:17

Now I would understand if he had infant baptism why this Sunday should come here in the church calendar, but as he wasn't baptised until an adult, I find this rather confusing. Still, I suppose they have to fit the whole of his life into four months, so the odd juxtaposition is to be expected. Sang the responsorial psalm 29 - I wonder who points these things, with such emphasis as: 'Ascribe to the Lord you po I wers of heaven, ascribe to the Lord glo I ry and strength,

worship the Lord in the beau I ty of holiness'?

Anthem was 'O Holy Spirit' - Tye. Just as well the altos were in strong voice, because for some strange reason I decided to come in with the Basses. Time to get my eyes tested.......

Sermon was by a young Zimbabwean, returning to his own country after University here, with wife and toddler in tow. They're setting up a self-help project, church-aided. We had a big 'bring and share' lunch and heard more about the project.