Christian Aid Sunday

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Date: 10 May 2004 12:19:00

Only one choir service this week, so I shall have some free time to go walking - hooray!

As the music sheet announced we would sing 'the strife is o'er Palestrina' I expected fireworks, or a huge bust-up, but apparently, due to a missed-out hyphen all it meant was a calm singing of Palestrina's hymn setting.

We decided to join the Christian Aid walk through private woodlands bordering the River Tamar (soon to be a World Heritage Site, we were informed). A strange mix of old industrial heritage clutter and beautiful natural surroundings. And suicidal mountain bikers.....

The Youth Group decided to make the most of an evening out to have a posh party, complete with bow ties and tiaras. By the end of the evening the fluffy pink tiaras were being worn by the boys. Incriminating photos will be published shortly......