Duller than the Dullest Blog

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Date: 11 October 2004 16:11:24

The morning service was very dull. Not the curate's fault - she was fighting off a rotten cold; and the vicar was off propping up some other church. So I suppose the rest of us only had ourselves to blame (or maybe the weather). It only started to come alive in the last three items - the anthem, 'Comfort O Lord', by Crotch, where the sopranos sounded quite angelic; the final hymn - Stand up, stand up for Jesus; and the organ voluntary - Widor's Toccata. We always know we are in for a corker when the organist's son vacates the choir stalls to be required as a page-turner......

There were only 14 in the choir in the evening (if we are going to have people only turning up when they have nothing better to do, then I think we are going to need a choir three times the size of the one we have already) - but we didn't let that stop us giving the anthem, 'Their sound is gone out' by Handel, lots of welly.

One of our Basses didn't quite win 'The Weakest Link' this week, but he gave Anne Robinson a jolly good run for her money. For once the tables were turned........ :D