O Lord increase my faith (in our ability to sing?)

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Date: 05 February 2006 21:45:04

There was no choir practice on Friday so I was very glad of the quick run-through in the vestry before the morning Eucharist. We had sung 'Spirit of the Lord' by Harper at the Exeter RSCM Festival a couple of years ago, but I think this was its first airing in a service in our own church. I enjoyed hearing the clash-resolve-clash sequence whilst we were singing it: as if hearing it for the first time. I hope the congregation didn't find it disturbed their meditations too much - it was rather different music to that which they are used to hearing.

Evensong tonight was a quiet affair, partly because there were not many altos. Consequently, the choirmaster asked everyone to tone down 'O Lord increase my faith' by Gibbons to get a better balance. That sort of a capella music should always be sung in a quiet, relaxed style in my opinion anyway, so it was all the better for the advice. However, a small choir split into two facing sides treads a thin line between quiet and weak'n'weedy. I think it's true to say we oscillated between the two at various points.