To Write or not To Write...

Categories: anything-and-everything

Date: 27 January 2007 16:38:24

I have just realised that I have a dream to be a writer! It's funny what you notice over a nice cup of tea, eh? It's taken me a pretty long time to become what I am now - and I'm still only starting out really; so I don't want to be a writer instead of that*, but as well as - another string to my bow you might say. (I've wanted to use that expression since I read a book as a girl, about a family full of unusual talents - and one ordinary boy who had no 'strings to his bow' - can't remember what it's called now though**). Anyway, a writer... I'm not quite sure what I'd write about, I'm not particularly imaginative in the field of fiction, and I'm too soft to be a journalist! Hmmm... what's left? lists... I'll have to be a writer of shopping lists...ho hum!

* I've still got a sermon to write for tomorrow - but I'm not counting that!!
**'Absolute Zero' - that was it - struck a chord with me it did!