What's that coming over the hill...

Categories: anything-and-everything

Date: 19 April 2007 10:01:17

...I hope it's not a monster! Life has been quite an adventure (mostly great but sometimes daunting) over the last few years - well make that 20 or so! Much has changed - long pondered and planned things came into being and I still seem to be in a season of change.

**slight tangent alert**
It's funny wondering who might read this stuff, Pants was wondering the same kind of thing recently. It's something I bear in mind as I write, and by the time my random thoughts make it to this page, I have considered the question carefully. If it's possible to be a very private but at the same time open and honest kind of person, then that's what I think I am... or aim to be! It's quite a peculiar mix at times. I think it's so helpful for Christians to have a sense of one another's challenges as well as victories - people far too often hide behind those 'perfect life' masks in their churches. One of the things I've always valued through my sometimes breath-taking ride and sometimes uphill slog of a Christian journey (and life generally) is in reading where God has been in the lives of others. I think those stories can give us hope and encouragement. Having said that, my life is not quite the stuff of inspirational books but maybe the odd blog post will give someone else a moment of encouragement, shared experience, a glimmer of God or even relief... and that's why I write... (well, and there's the 'just enjoying the wib-community' part and sometimes it's just a bunch of random nonsense, but then you can't have my sense of humour and the ridiculous surgically removed from this thing!).
**end slight tangent!**

Now, what was I going to say in the first place...? Ah, changes! Yes, my life has changed a lot over the years: several house moves, being married and not married, a rather drastic career change, parenthood throughout... and now I wonder what is lying just over the hill for us again? TeenSon is growing up - university and adult life lie on the horizon and that feels strange - I was a young-ish mum, what will life be like when he's not living at home (parents of grown up children will jump in here and say that nothing much changes in some senses!). It's also approaching the time to move on again which means a change in home, in church, in job, in people... And all this sits before me - the unknown - but God has been faithful all the way through. Things have not always been easy, but how I learnt to trust him in those most challenging times. And I will trust him again... with excitement, with slight trepidation, with a sense of what will I do, what will God do, with the next phase of my life?