
Categories: anything-and-everything

Date: 09 November 2007 11:06:53

I have just noticed that it's nearly my first wibiversary! I can't quite believe that it's been a year (on the 14th) since I started posting my bits of nonsense around here. It's a good while longer since I first came wandering by leaving comments on other wiblogs... and then decided to have my own little corner of this community.
Well, it's been very nice getting to virtually know you all over the last year... and I'll keep watching the newsroom with interest to see what will happen over the next year.

Interesting for me to see what's changed over the last year - not least I am no longer living in 'the Shire' (see very first post for explanation of the name 'Chelley of the Shire') having moved from 'just north of north London' to 'just east of east London'! I think I'll leave the blog name as it is for now though - I don't fancy changing it to Essex Girl Blog or Tittle Tattle from the Thames Estuary!