"I don't know who I am or what my name is!"

Categories: anything-and-everything

Date: 15 November 2006 07:57:07

I believe that was one of Baldrick's classic lines, in Blackadder! And I can sympathise with him at the moment... I've just left a comment somewhere and then sat for 5 minutes (perhaps a slight exaggeration) trying to decide whether I was Michelle or Chelley? They are both me... but when I first started blogging, and also significantly, commenting on blogs I always put 'Michelle', but then as I got my own blog - my beloved little Teapot, I started using 'Chelley'. In real life I answer to both (well Chell actually, rather than Chelley - with the exception of one old friend who's always called me Chelley!) though it still feels a bit like Michelle is my outside world name, and Chelley is my internet name. Hmmm, so you may be wondering why you had to listen to all that... just because I suppose, if you're one of the people who's blog I've been commenting on for a while and I suddenly change my name you'll know why! I also suppose it's not the sort of thing that'll make a difference to anyone but me!
And speaking of the Teapot (particularly in light of Jack the Lass's question), yes, I've decided I'm going to keep the Teapot going alongside the Shire - it feels like a different kind of space from this one, but I suppose I'l have to see how I go and where I ramble what!
Homework for today - try and work out how to do links and photos here!
If anyone wants to ask me anything by way of introductions, I'm happy to answer (blatently stealing what Steve did for early ideas!). Your first bit of entirely useless information is that I support SPURS!!

Just thought I'd add that there is one place where I got so confused that I'm registered as 'Michelley'. 50 points to anyone who can find it!